We love hedgerows
We are delighted to be working with the Stourbridge Canal and River Trust to help protect our local river and wildlife. We’ve just bought 250 hawthorn saplings and, on 6th January we’ll be donning our gardening gloves and, together with the team from the Trust, we’ll plant them all along a stretch of unprotected river bank. Why hedges? They perform a vital function in the eco system, first they help wildlife to thrive – impossible with brick or wood fences, second, they create a buffer for rivers by helping to slow down the flow of surface water and stop excess nutrients from the soil from washing into the river and third, during heavy rainfall they help to hold the water on the land, instead of flowing into the river, reducing the chances of flooding. This is important work, but we’re also really pleased with the timing as this is a great way to work off our Christmas excesses!